
Gaze upon the endless landscapes in the Prealpi


Explore the area from Lake Garda to Cansiglio and much more besides

La Via delle PREALPI runs through unblemished natural environments and unique lands that make trips here into unforgettable experiences.

Get your camera ready because the scenery is genuinely awe-inspiring! Following the Prealp Path is like a journey within a journey. The views of the extensive landscapes stretch out endlessly. Would you like to know how far they reach? If you look around you, you can see all of the way from Venice and its Lagoon to the Dolomites, which are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Piccole Dolomiti

Dolomia Stone and thermal water springs make the Emerald Valley unique: a breathtaking valley shaped as an amphitheatre, surrounded by wonderful mountains which rise up to the deep blue sky.

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Ancient caves of red marble, world-known vineyards and centuries-old olive trees characterise these unforgettable landscapes. The peculiar and temperate climate make green this area, homeland of some of the most known Italian wines.

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Alpago e Cansiglio

Alpine meadows and thick woods of centuries-old beech and spruces, the undergrowth of rhododendrons, blueberries, honeysuckles, service trees and elders. Here you can experience exciting meetings with deers that, during their mating period, come to this valley that echoes of their belling.

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"Edges of the Light - LuxSinum": this is the old name of this area, characterised by green and sunny fields, where enjoying breathtaking landscapes all year round and contemplative silences, among history witnesses.

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Praderadego e San Boldo

The millennial human history comes alive among Prehistoric excavations, Roman roads and fortified castles. Art is the protagonist in this lush and lovely natural landscape, surrounded by the mountains of Feltre.

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The most important natural Memorial of the Great War in Veneto: some of the toughest battles took place in this area, without spoiling its natural beauty. Heirlooms, fortresses, trenches and many other silent witnesses guide you, without interfering with the beauty of the landscape.

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Monte Grappa

The area where, in 1918, the Italian army stopped the enemy advance. This sacred territory, rich of war museums and monuments, gives the chance to the athletes to enjoy unique landscape and nature, from the land to the sky.

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Monte Cesen

Surronded by the unique Prosecco Superiore landscape, admiring the flatland where Piave river flows, you reach the green mountain pastures, rich of alpine huts and alpine cheese factories.

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Altopiano di Tonezza

The human vigour is echoed in the high valley of Vicenza. The Great War traces tell the story of the highland, characterised by meadows, spruce woods and unforgettable landscapes.

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Nevegal e Col Visentin

To the South breathtaking landscapes overlooking the Venice Lagoon, to the North the Mountains of the Sun and the Group of Schiara Mount, with the magic scenery of Marmolada, Civetta and Pelmo

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Monte Baldo

More than 1900 species of flowers, beautiful landscapes over Val d'Adige and breathtaking views over Garda Lake, where the climate is temperate, make this area the perfect place where nature blazes the whole year round.

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Impressive views of green meadows, thick woods and numerous puddles of rainy water characterise this fantastic itinerary, perfect for horse-riding. Depending on the season, you can enjoy flowery meadows as far as the eye can see and soft snowy dunes.

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Horse Riding Routes

The bonds between humans, horses and nature are closer on the trails

Horse riding routes

MTB Routes

Enjoy the unique challenge presented by the climbs and mountain bike trails on the Prealp Path, including single track

Mtb routes

Hiking Routes

A whole world full of valleys and shepherds’ huts is waiting to be explored, one step at a time

 Hiking routes
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Credits Photo

Francesco Galifi

Ivano Mancioppi

Isabella Michielin Adriana Benetti Longhini per Marcesina

Photo Point of Interest

Montagna di Viaggi, blog di Andrea Pizzato

Baldo - Raffaello Boni

Bosco Park - Marco Malvezzi

Agnello d’Alpago - Alessandro Fullin

San Giorgio - Sergio Zuanetti


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